Technology is developing and advancing tremendously. New inventions are delivered to the market every year and all of these improve the entire domain a lot. But because there are so many options and opportunities on the market, you might end up feeling more confused than at the beginning.

Which one is the right option for you? How can you improve the website of your business so that it will attract more customers? How can you enhance the overall customer experience? Well, these are some very good questions. And you can find the answers to all of them in technology.

Today, the great majority of people are using their smartphones to navigate the internet, order food or clothes, or find an available cab. So, web developers and business owners are looking for ways to make the online experience more engaging and pleasant for their customers. And because everyone is looking to do this, there are new solutions on the market.

And Progressive Web Apps (PWA) will surely rule the future. For now, they are still at the beginning but are slowly gaining more momentum in the development world. So, what is PWA? How is it different from a regular web app? You will find the answers to these questions and many more details on this topic below.

Regular Web Apps

The first thing we need to shed more light on is regular web apps. To make the comparison between these and PWAs, we need to share more information about each of them. So, a regular web app can be translated into a website. Everyone has websites and knows how these look. A regular one means that the content that is on the website is adjusted and fits all the devices.

Usually, they are built using a nice combination of front-end and back-end technologies. The most important feature of regular web apps is that they work on web browsers. However, every browser is different, so some functionalities might not work on some of them. So, the functionality of the website depends on the browser the user uses.

Progressive Web Apps

So, what is a progressive web app? It is just a regular web app but with some improvements. To build it, you pretty much need the same developer stack as for a regular web app. You need front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, PHP, and so on), but also back-end ones (JavaScript and many more). However, you also need to use some frameworks to make sure the development of the app is smooth.

So, what are the differences between these two? Let’s find out!

Differences Between Regular Web Apps and Progressive Web Apps

Even though they are pretty similar, there are also a lot of differences that tell these two apart.

Native Experience

One of the most important differences you need to keep in mind is that a progressive web app creates a native experience. Users are looking for a smooth experience using websites, apps, and anything created by technology. The competition is fierce so they might choose a competitor over your services or products.

So, it is important to offer a seamless native experience, independent of the used browser. Offering a native experience to users and customers means that you can include or incorporate some native app features, such as push notifications. And they will work no matter what browser is used, which is quite impressive and beneficial.

They Can Be Easily Used

Even though it seems that progressive web apps are more complex and complicated than the regular ones, they come with more features and benefits too. For example, PWAs can easily be used by anyone. You do not need extra memory space to be able to access it.

On top of this, it does not take a lot of time to load the website or app and have access to information. To have permanent access to them, all you need is an installation link. Then, the app will always be available on your smartphone just by tapping the app’s icon to open it.

Updates in Real-Time

We all know that when we want to update an app on our smartphone, we go to the App Store or Google Play to download the update and wait for it to be installed. Of course, this happens if you do not have the automatic update feature activated.

This is an incredible feature that allows developers to update the code or the features without waiting for the user to do it. So, this creates the perfect environment for an app to evolve and be developed even more.

Engaging the Customers

Another key difference between progressive web apps and regular ones is that the first ones help you increase the engagement of customers. This is essential in today’s world, where a lot of businesses compete for the attention of the same customers.

Keeping your customers engaged, but more than this, keeping them loyal to your brand is a challenge. However, the features that PWAs come with are exactly what you need. These features are the ones that could help a business succeed and accomplish its target retention goals.

Final Thoughts

Wondering what is the difference between regular web apps and progressive ones? Hopefully, this article shed more light on the features they come with. Progressive web apps or PWAs are developed using the same technology stack. You need both front-end and back-end technologies to build it, but also a few frameworks. But the differences are immense.

For example, if you want to offer your customers a native app experience, you can use PWAs. you can update the app in real-time, without waiting for users to allow the update to happen. They are also more engaging and can help you accomplish your audience retention target.

Progressive web apps are easier to use than regular web apps, which makes them the first choice of businesses and developers. Technology is developing a lot and will improve even more in the following years. So, keep an eye on the changes that will follow and make sure you implement the already available ones.

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